繪本作家、插畫家、插畫講師。嘉義人,英國愛丁堡大學插畫碩士 (MFA with Distinction)、國立政治大學斯拉夫語文學系學士。曾任蘇格蘭 Dumfries House 駐村藝術家、童書編輯。喜歡動物、大自然和與人對談,熱愛透過觀察與想像描繪眼裡情感豐沛的世界。
Bois Lee is an author and illustrator of picturebooks whose works are direct, naive, and honest. He graduated with distinction with an MFA in Illustration from Edinburgh College of Art. He loves animals and the natural world and is fascinated with the relationship between words and pictures.
May - July 2022/《Remember》exhibition: The original artworks from the picturebook/ Yilan, Taiwan
March 2022/ Meet the Gardeners Joint Exhibition/ Taipei, Taiwan
March 2018/ Bookmarks: Artists’ Book and Zine Fair/ Edinburgh, Scotland
June 2017/ Edinburgh College of Art Degree Show/ Edinburgh, Scotland
March 2017/ Bookmarks: Artists’ Book and Zine Fair/ Edinburgh, Scotland
December 2016/ Zine Festival with Palms and Crisps/ Edinburgh, Scotland
December 2016/ House Style 2017 Calendar/ Edinburgh, Scotland
November 2016/ Shaping the View: Understanding Landscape through Illustration/ Edinburgh, Scotland
June 2016/ Bit Book Festival/ Bangkok, Thailand
March 2016/ Bookmarks: Artists’ Book and Zine Fair/ Edinburgh, Scotland
T:+886 2 25012336
10487 台北市中山區長春路258巷22弄12號1樓
1F., No. 12, Aly. 22, Ln. 258, Changchun Rd.,
Zhongshan Dist., Taipei City 10487, Taiwan
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