創作是為了找尋自我 證明自己的存在
Creation is for finding yourself and proving your existence.
Pencil, digital
1972 年出生於彰化,從 1992 年至今已持續 20 幾年的繪畫創作,我作品主題大部份圍繞在台灣日治時代,除了服裝特色之外,還有一些個人所觀察的小細節,希望觀者能強烈的感受到大時代氛圍,我作品風格多變強烈,有時溫暖而細膩,氣氛中卻又帶著一絲滄桑的時代感;有時強烈又灰暗,人物佈滿廢棄鏽化的金屬質感,作品瀰漫混亂、寧靜的矛盾感。
I was born in 1972, and have been creating pieces for more than 20 years. Most of my work revolves around the era of Japanese occupation of Taiwan. Aside from unique features in clothing, I've also noticed some other details from the time period that I hope the viewer can get a strong feel for. My style is varied and fierce, sometimes warm and delicate with a sliver of bleakness from the time period, and sometimes aggressively dark, with characters surrounded by the metallic textures of rust and decay. My work is saturated with the contradiction between chaos and tranquility.
2014 受 東京發明協會-邀請到東京參加-Steam Garden episode 6,Feb 22 展覽
2014 愛藝享策展 台灣大稻埕Fleisch餐廳舉行-氫酸鉀個展-臺灣誌
2013 於日本台場日本科學未來館 參展ASIAGRAPH 2013
2012 台灣巡迴個展『台灣氫年展』
2012 閃靈樂團之『靈啟武德印』-【CHTHONIC x YAMYOUKAN】- 創作聯展
2011 日本日本虎之穴秋葉原旗艦店A參展『Taiwan Gallery 2011in TORANOANA』
2007 台灣巡迴個展『週期表』
2007 於日本秋葉原DUX大樓 參展ASIAGRAPH 2007
2006 於日本神奈川縣橫濱市 參展ASIAGRAPH 2006特展
2006 於日本JR上野車站 參展ASIAGRAPH 2006特展
2001 開始從事遊戲美術工作
1997 第一本漫畫單行本《KIRIN》於東立出版社出版
1992 與東立出版社 簽約成為旗下漫畫家
1992 Signing a contract with Tongli Publishing Co. to be its comic artist
1997 My first comic book, KIRIN, is published by Tongli Publishing Co.
2001 Start working as a game artist
2006 “ASIAGRAPH 2006 Yokohama” in Kanagawa, Japan
“ASIAGRAPH 2006 Yokohama” at JR Ueno Station, Japan
2007 “Periodic Table” Exhibition in Taiwan
“ASIAGRAPH 2007” in the Akihabara UDX Building, Japan
2011 Taiwan Gallery 2011 in TORANOANA, Japan
2012 “Taiwan YoutH"Exhibition” in Taiwan
“CHTHONIC x YAMYOUKAN” — Joint Exhibition
2013 “ASIAGRAPH 2013” at the National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation
2014 Invited by Tokyo Invention Society to join the exhibition of “Steam Garden episode 6, Feb 22” LET’S CREATE curates “KCN’s Exhibition—Taiwan Record” in Fleisch restaurant in Dadaocheng, Taiwan
T:+886 2 25012336
10487 台北市中山區長春路258巷22弄12號1樓
1F., No. 12, Aly. 22, Ln. 258, Changchun Rd.,
Zhongshan Dist., Taipei City 10487, Taiwan
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